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About Us

Coaching you to become more than just a owner to your dog

At Noble Canine we use the most up to date canine psychology and behavioural training methods to ensure that you are given the knowledge and tools needed to shape your dog and change behaviour where required.


Our Story

When our founder, Fraser adopted his first street rescue (affectionately called Singapore Specials), he assumed that training would be done the way he had grown up with dogs. Realising quickly that some dogs require a more knowledgable and up to date methodology he got himself educated and trained up to help his dog.


Realising that many dogs and owner may be in a similar situation where they realise the errors, both practically and ethically in traditional training, he created Noble Canine to work closely with charities, adopters and owners to help dogs get the rehabilitation and/ or training needed to cope with and improve the world that we as their humans have created for them. 

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